Sunday, February 16, 2014


This chic I met a while ago when I was out wanted to come over and hang out last night.  She cooked me all this food and told me she was on here way over.  I answered my door completely naked with a hard-on and within one minute she was on her knees totally naked deep throating and spitting all over my alpha cock.  I bent her her ass over doggystyle on my stairs and pounded the shit out of her.  This chic was screaming loud as fuck while I just pumped her pussy and spanked her as hard as I could.  I spanked her so hard it actually made my ear ring.  I told her to go up my stairs and sit down on the top of the staircase.  I started fingering her and within a minute she squirted like a water fall down my stairs.  It looked like two gallons of water were spilled all over the stairs.  She squirted for over a minute straight and was by far the most squirt I've seen yet.  She was in awe and said no guy has ever made her done that before and thought squirting only happened in porn movies.  I got her in my bed and treated her like a total dirty whore.  I even lifted my legs up while she tossed my salad.  She had her tongue totally up my dirty ass totally rimming it.  After slamming her doggystyle I pulled out and blew right in her mouth and on her face.  She just smiled as she wiped my cum off of her face with her finger and eat it.  She kept saying how amazing I was and how her ex boyfriend of 4 years could never last longer then 2 minutes and never even gave her an orgasm.  She said her pussy was so sore she could barely walk and was all cramped up.  Every chic I fuck always says the same thing.  I was out with my friend like a week ago.  Some chic was saying to me that muscle guys always have small dicks.  I laughed and took my cell phone out.  I showed her a nude picture of me and she was in shock.  I laughed in her face and told her that who ever made that up was full of shit.  She actually apologized to me and couldn't believe how big my alpha cock was.  I am the king of all alphas slaves so open up that wallet and beg to $ERVE. 


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